Head of Administration of Universität Hamburg
Dr. Martin Hecht
Responsible for:
- Human Resources (Dept. 6)
- Finance and Accounting (Dept. 7)
- Estate Management (Dept. 8)
- Construction Management (Dept. 9)
- Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection Unit (AU)
- Professorial Appointments Unit (B)
- Internal Auditing Unit (IR)
- Anti-Corruption Office (ZK)
- Organization and Health Division (OG)
- Legal Unit (R)
- Smart Administration Unit (SmA) (in German only)
- Conference Management and Lecture Hall Allocation Unit (TH)
- University Sports (in German only)
Front Office
Claudia Bendlin (-K11-)
Melanie Kolkmann (-K12-)
Mittelweg 177, Room N 5005
20148 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 42838-4423/-4448
Email: kanzler"AT"uni-hamburg.de