Success Stories
Building Bridges
My name is Daniel. I study English and American studies and sociology at Universität Hamburg. As part of my bachelor’s thesis in linguistics, I analyzed the English language and its use in Israeli society and the Israeli educational system. To reach a larger public, I put my survey online in 3 languages—English, Hebrew, and Arabic—using Google Tools. While I am fluent in the first two languages, I needed help translating the survey into Arabic.
Luckily, through my Deutschlandstipendium, I met many nice scholarship holders, including some from Syria whose native tongue is Arabic. I asked my new contacts for help and received a positive response from a recipient: Najm, who hails from Syria but is Palestinian. I am grateful to the Deutschlandstipendium for these kinds of encounters because meeting Syrians in my home country of Israel is almost inconceivable.
I am proud to be able to study in Germany and I am looking forward to more of these kinds of encounters. It is precisely these encounters that motivate me to pursue a diplomatic career. My personal dream is to build bridges between Arabs and Israelis, and for me, Germany plays a very important role as a neutral place. I am now completing my studies and would like to take this opportunity to thank the Deutschlandstipendium team for its commitment to the well-being of all of its recipients!
For example, support in medicine:
Jung-Foundation for Science and Research promotes medical students of the Universität Hamburg
Funds to develop new therapies and strengthen the science location Germany – those are the goals of the Jung-Foundation for Science and Research. For over 50 years, the foundation has been engaged in projects for education and research in Hamburg. From January 2018 on, it participated in supporting the Germany Scholarships at the Universität Hamburg. “We are delighted, to support three gifted young medical professionals through the Germany Scholarhips”, says Rolf Kirchfeld, chairman of the board of the Jung-Foundation. “This engagement corresponds in several respects with the purpose of the foundation and their philosophy: to serve the common good, practice humanity und alleviate suffering.” The Foundation grants research awards worth 540.000 euro, containing the Ernst Jung-Career-Promotional Award for Medical Research.
Law Firm employs their excellent Germany Scholarship holder:
Nationwide, only the Universität Hamburg offers the study program Maritimes Business Law. Donors who deal with maritime law, donate to the UHH Germany Scholarships, to interest excellent law students in this field of law and in their company, during their study.
For the law firm Dabelstein & Passehl and the Germany Scholarship holder Svenja Breckwoldt-Jung, this cooperation with the UHH was a benefit: After the law firm offered the scholarship holder the opportunity to take part in a practical seminar with foreign partners in the first year of funding, she was hired as a scientific associate in the second year of funding. After completing her study, she now is a full-time employee at the law firm.
Prof. Dr. Dieter Schwampe, partner of the law firm, who also gives lectures on maritime insurance and transport law at the UHH, is extremely satisfied with this win-win situation: "The Germany scholarship helps us to find excellent young professionals".
Ball guests and the Edmund-Siemers-Foundation enable more Germany Scholarships!
On the 3rd of November 2018, 650 guests attended the university ball. The tombola prizes were destined for the Germany Scholarships. In addition, the Edmund Siemers-Foundation doubled the amount, as a birthday present to the University. This resulted in five additional Germany Scholarships that can be awarded immediately.
The Universität Hamburg thanks the ball guests, the Edmund Siemers Foundation, as well as the federal and state government of Hamburg, for supporting the students of the Universität Hamburg!