November 2024
Abschalten im Feierabend
Target Groupe: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Sybille Paas / Max. participants: 14
The workshop is in German.
After a day of work, it can be challenging to let go of it and relax, especially due to flexible work arrangements and their daily challenges. In this workshop, techniques and tools will be discussed to help unwind during...
Aktive Jobsuche: recherchieren - vernetzen - sichtbar werden
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
Die Veranstaltung zeigt, wie Sie das enorme Potential des versteckten Stellenmarktes mit mutigem Netzwerken und erhöhter Sichtbarkeit anzapfen können. Sie erhalten Anregungen und Tipps!
RRZ-ServicePortal: Fortgeschritten (inkl. UHH-Disk Speicherbereiche) / Advanced (incl. UHH disk filespace)
In this event, we would like to give you a deeper insight into the use of the RRZ-ServicePortal and we will also look at the topic of "UHH disk filespace". Of course, we will also be available to answer your questions.
To register for the event, please click here and book a place for the respective date.
Approximately 45 minutes before the event, we will send you a link with the Zoom access...
Unconscious Bias in Berufungs- und Einstellungsverfahren
This event takes place in German.
Unconscious Bias in Berufungs- und Einstellungsverfahren
This event takes place in German.
Arbeitszeugnisse – wo liegen die Stolperfallen?
This event takes place in German.
Wie schreibe ich eine gelungene Bewerbung?
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
Von A wie Anschreiben bis Z wie Zielgehalt – die schriftliche Bewerbung. Wie kuratieren Sie Ihren Lebenslauf und wie knüpfen Sie mit Ihren Kompetenzen an der Stellenausschreibung an?
Career Field: Science Management
Target Group: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers / Language: German / Trainer: Oliver Grewe / Max. Participants: 100
The Food for Thought offers a brief introduction to science management and addresses the questions of what skills are expected and what potential the professional field offers.
This course can be credited for the certificate "Research Management: Developing Potential, Shaping...
Konstruktive Zusammenarbeit in vielfältigen Teams - ein Anti-Bias-Workshop
Target Groupe: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Samya Korff / Max. participants: 15
To work effectively in diverse teams and with different target groups, it's worthwhile to recognize your own biases and patterns in relation to others. Through anti-bias exercises and psychological insights, you will develop a constructive approach to...
Partizipativ Führen. Die Führungskraft als Facilitator:in
Target Group: All leaders at UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Jutta Weimar / Max. Participants: 15
In komplexen Umfeldern wie der Universität stoßen klassische Führungsansätze schnell an Grenzen. Auf der einen Seite entstehen neue Freiheitsgrade, auf der anderen Seite gilt es weiterhin, formale Rahmenbedingungen zu befolgen. Führungskräfte sind stärker...
Typische Fragen im Job-Interview (außerhalb der Wissenschaft)
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
In dieser Veranstaltung dreht sich alles um das Job-Interview. Von Fragetechniken über die Vorbereitung bis hin zur inneren Haltung. Nach dem Input bleibt auch noch Zeit für Ihre Fragen.
December 2024
Ziele erreichen: den inneren Kritiker zur Mentorin machen
Target Groupe: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Friederike Holm/ Max. participants: 14
The workshop is in German.
Personal growth requires an understanding of our own goals, values, and strengths. It also involves dealing with inner barriers and uncertainties to create clarity and shape our own objectives.
The workshop counts as...
You. Start. New Work! Eine Projektreise zum Aufbruch in eine neue Kultur der Zusammenarbeit
This event takes place in German.
Program Introduction: Guided walk through the application management software BITE
This event takes place in German.
The device administered by the RRZ: Fully Managed Device (FMD)
In this event, we would like to introduce and explain the Fully Managed Device (FMD) - i.e. a terminal device (notebook / PC) administered by the RRZ. Of course we will be available to answer your questions.
To register for the event, please click here and book a place for the respective date.
Approximately 45 minutes before the event, we will send you a link with the Zoom access data.
January 2025
Die Sprache der Wirtschaft - Wissenschaftskompetenzen in Bewerbungen darstellen
Target Group: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers / Language: German / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 14
In diesem Workshop lernen Sie, was das eigene Profil für Arbeitgebende außerhalb der Hochschule attraktiv macht und wie Fähigkeiten überzeugend dargestellt werden.
Dieser Kurs ist anrechenbar für „Learn to Lead – Führen mit Haltung“.
Digitales Termin- und Aufgabenmanagement mit Kanban
Target Groupe: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Matthias Otto / Max. participants: 15
The workshop is in German.
Sometimes, it can be challenging to keep track of tasks, especially in complex workflows. In this workshop, you will learn about the Kanban method to organize both one-time and recurring processes flexibly and transparently...
Digitales Termin- und Aufgabenmanagement mit Kanban
Target Groupe: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Matthias Otto / Max. participants: 15
The workshop is in German.
Sometimes, it can be challenging to keep track of tasks, especially in complex workflows. In this workshop, you will learn about the Kanban method to organize both one-time and recurring processes flexibly and transparently...
February 2025
Mental Clarity & Decision Making
Target Group: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers / Language: English / Trainer: Vicent Botella-Soler / Max. Participants: 20
In this workshop, we look into the factors that impact on how we think and make decisions. Learn to question how your mindset can help or hinder your day-to-day life and your future career prospects.
This course can be credited to "Learn to Lead - Mindset Leadership" as...
Partizipativ Führen. Die Führungskraft als Facilitator:in
Target Group: All leaders at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Jutta Weimar / Max. Participants: 15
The workshop is in German.
In complex organiszations like the university, traditional leadership approaches reach their limits quickly. In this 4-hour workshop, various aspects of participatory leadership will be discussed, and immediately applicable methods and tools for "facilitating" will be...
The Competency Profile as the Basis for Successful Applications
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: English / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
The talk shows how important it is for successful (internal or external) applications to know your own core competencies and interests and to be able to specify them precisely.
This course can be credited to "Learn to Lead - Mindset Leadership".
Active Job Search: Researching – Networking – Visibility
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: English / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
This talk shows how bold networking and increasing your visibility can help you tap into the enormous potential of the so-called hidden job market.
Bin ich auf dem richtigen Weg? - Individuelle Karriereplanung
Target Group: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers / Language: German / Trainer: Joanna Bouchi-Häfner / Max. Participants: 8
In diesem Workshop erarbeiten Sie Ihre persönlichen Stärken und die damit einhergehenden beruflichen Perspektiven. Allein und in Kleingruppen erarbeiten Sie sich Ihre Karriereplanung.
Dieser Kurs ist anrechenbar für „Learn to Lead – Führen mit Haltung“.
Navigating Uncertainty
Target Group: Doctoral researchers, Postdocs, Junior Professors and Leaders of Junior Research Groups / Language: English / Trainer: Dr. Desiree Dickerson / Max. Participants: 100
In this talk, you will explore: Give yourself permission to feel uncertain; navigate uncertainty and worry; make micro-changes to maintain a solid emotional and mental foundation; and more!
This course can be credited...
How to write Successful Applications
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: English / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
How can you communicate your skills, qualifications and professional experience in your application documents in such a way that the recipients find your profile convincing? This introductory talk introduces different aspects of successful applications such as thorough preparation, becoming the...
Common Job Interview Questions Outside Academia
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: English / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
This talk is all about typical job interview questions (and possible answers). From interviewing techniques to preparation and your personal mindset.
March 2025
Taming the Inner Critic
Target Group: Doctoral researchers, Postdocs, Junior Professors and Leaders of Junior Research Groups / Language: English / Trainer: Dr. Desiree Dickerson / Max. Participants: 100
In this talk, you will explore: Give yourself permission to feel uncertain; navigate uncertainty and worry; make micro-changes to maintain a solid emotional and mental foundation; and more!
This course can be credited...