October 2024
Selbstorganisation - Zweckmäßig und zu mir passend
Target Group: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers / Language: German / Trainer: Joanna Bouchi-Häfner / Max. Participants: 10
Hier entwickeln Sie ein Bewusstsein für Ihre Stärken und Ressourcen bei der Selbstorganisation. Reflektieren Sie individuelle Herausforderungen beim Planen, Organisieren und Abarbeiten von Aufgaben.
Dieser Kurs ist anrechenbar für „Learn to Lead – Führen mit Haltung“...
"Khmer 1" Language Course in Winter Semester 2024
This event takes place in German.
"Khmer 1" Language Course in Winter Semester 2024
This event takes place in German.
"Khmer 1" Language Course in Winter Semester 2024
This event takes place in German.
Lecture Series »Energy – Landscape – Aesthetics« Winter term 2024/25
The production and utilization of energy shapes the landscape. This has not only been true since the so-called ‚energy transition‘ and the focus on renewable energies, which ranges from the cultivation of energy plants such as rapeseed or maize to the construction of large-scale wind and solar parks and has decisively helped the concept of the energy landscape to gain popularity. Even before this...
Book presentation with Gerard Delanty (University of Sussex)
“Senses of the Future. Conflicting Ideas of the Future in the World Today”
Book presentation with Gerard Delanty (University of Sussex)
16 October 2024, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 noon
Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies "Futures of Sustainability"
The Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies “Futures of Sustainability” kindly invites you to this upcoming book presentation.
The future has become a problem...
This event takes place in German.
DiPiKA Lecture: Hugo David
Palm-leaf manuscripts from private collections in Central Kerala – an outline of three recent research projects in Thrissur and its region
Hugo David (École française d’Extrême-Orient)
The Indian state of Kerala, at the South-Western end of the Indian subcontinent, is well-known for its rich and unique heritage in the form of palm-leaf manuscripts, transmitting texts in a variety of domains...
Lotty Rosenfeld, the CADA group and Mujeres por la vida: Art and Feminism in Chile in the 1980s
This event takes place in German.
Changing Course: Insights on Transitioning Away from Academia
Target Group: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers / Language: English / Trainer: Vicent Botella-Soler / Max. Participants: 100
In this talk, we will introduce some helpful strategies in transitioning away from academia and dispel some common misconceptions and biases. Among other things: The primacy of soft over hard skills.
Einführung: Was sind Daten in den (digitalen) Geisteswissenschaften
This event takes place in German.
Female Leadership – Führung in Teilzeit und im Tandem
This event takes place in German.
Einführung in die Vorlesungsreihe // Heavy Metal trifft KI. Künstliche Intelligenz in militärischen Konflikten
This event takes place in German.
Thursday lecture: Ciro Giacomelli
The Threefold Cord: Philology, Codicology, and Palaeography
Ciro Giacomelli (Padova University)
For many years, classical philology and palaeography followed largely separate paths, rarely intersecting in the study of manuscript traditions. However, since the mid-20th century, the situation has evolved. Today, it is widely recognized that the study of textual traditions benefits greatly from the...
Verbosität in (der) Kommunikation: Wortreichtum im Spektrum sprachwiss. Betrachtungen mit einem Ausblick ...
This event takes place in German.
Baustellenführungen durch die Schaugewächshäuser am Dammtor
This event takes place in German.
Baustellenführungen durch die Schaugewächshäuser am Dammtor
This event takes place in German.
Baustellenführungen zum Neubauvorhaben im Loki-Schmidt-Garten in Klein Flottbek
This event takes place in German.
Tech Startup Academy
This event takes place in German.
Data Linking Workshop 2024
Dataset Provision and Citation in the Digital Age
Research in the humanities is evolving with the introduction of data-driven methods and visualization techniques that integrate different datasets such as images, videos, and texts. This change is supported by institutional research repositories that follow the FAIR principles (findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability) and...
Barcamp Sustainability Research
The event is aimed at fostering colaboration among researchers working on sustainability-related topics, particularly those connected to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Barcamp will showcase a wide range of research initiatives and promote interdisciplinary engagement across the university.
Programme Overview:
Fifth Open Plenary Sustainability
This event takes place in German.
Baustellenführungen durch die Schaugewächshäuser am Dammtor
This event takes place in German.
Baustellenführungen durch die Schaugewächshäuser am Dammtor
This event takes place in German.
Baustellenführungen zum Neubauvorhaben im Loki-Schmidt-Garten in Klein Flottbek
This event takes place in German.
Engage, Enlighten, Entertain. Presenting Your Work to Non-Scientists
This workshop will give you key guidelines and practical tips on how to become better at presenting your research, or anything, really – both to peer audiences, and to non-academic audiences.
The workshop takes a very practical approach and will cover these topics:
- Why and how to engage your audience.
- Cater to the brain! How to employ media in an optimized way.
- Fidgeting, nausea...
Research Seminar "Patient choice and socioeconomic disparities in the quality of healthcare"
Socioeconomic inequalities in the access to high-quality care may be mitigated or reinforced when patients are allowed to choose their care provider. We study heterogeneity by socioeconomic status (SES) in patients’ choices of primary care provider using administrative data from a Swedish region. We show that SES differences choice behaviour is a driver of disparities in the access to high-quality...
Produktives Übersehen. Anmerkungen zu ausgewählten Vi- und Versionen von Landschaft
This event takes place in German.
The Regional Culture Attribution of Calendrical-Ritual-Divinatory Mesoamerican Manuscripts
– in Spanish with interpretation into English
María Isabel Álvarez Icaza Longoria, Art History, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico
Antisemitismusprävention durch Religionsunterricht? Empirische Befunde und Herausforderungen ...
This event takes place in German.
Produktives Übersehen. Anmerkungen zu ausgewählten Vi- und Versionen von Landschaft
This event takes place in German.
Mobile Saftpresse im Loki-Schmidt-Garten
This event takes place in German.
Finden statt suchen – Tipps für die gezielte Stellensuche
This event takes place in German.
Dem Geheimnis der Masse auf der Spur: Die Erforschung des Higgs-Teilchen am LHC
This event takes place in German.
Einführung in das Thema: Wechselwirkung zwischen Identität und Integration vor über tausend Jahren
This event takes place in German.
El Popurrí XII: Poesía, performance, open mic
The chair of Prof. Markus Schäffauer cordially invites you to the artistic event El Popurrí on October 22nd. Guests include the Colombian poet Ramona de Jesús (@eyesofdelphi), who will read from her book "Dos metros cuadrados de piel", and the Chilean audiovisual performer Ginés Oliviares (@zetaoral). Music and of course there will also be an open mic for anyone who dares to read or play. The best...
Bewerbungsunterlagen – Entscheidungen treffen für die persönliche Bewerbung
This event takes place in German.
Soziale Bewegung in einer Hybriden Welt: "Zoomification", Online-Aktivismus und die Globale Governance von Migration
This event takes place in German.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Schlichte "Colonial continuities or pragmatism? Taxation and Social Policy in Subsaharan Africa"
Prof. Dr. Klaus Schlichte "Colonial continuities or pragmatism? Taxation and Social Policy in Subsaharan Africa"
That there are considerable welfare state dynamics on the African continent is not so known. That they have roots in colonial times, might even sound counter-intuitive. This presentation will give an overview about welfare state development on the African continent, also in relation...
A diachronic study of Cypriot metallurgy: from Chalcolithic to the Roman period
This event takes place in English.
Willkommensabend für Erstis und Oldies - Ob neu oder schon länger im Studium ...
This event takes place in German.
Transkription: Erzeugung von Daten durch Übersetzung
This event takes place in German.
Fast FEDDICH: Was nun? Strategien für deinen Wechsel von Uni zu Job
This event takes place in German.
Wie über den Krieg reden?
This event takes place in German.
Verbosität als mögliches Widerstandsphänomen in der Psychotherapie
This event takes place in German.
Frankfurt am Main und der Nationalsozialismus. Herrschaft und Repression – Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft...
This event takes place in German.
Fasciantion OLEDs-From the research lab to the classroom
Professor Amitabh Banerji, Universität Potsdam
To create motivation for MINT subjects it is crucial to implement cutting edge research and future technologies into the science curriculum of schools and universities. Recent scientific developments like organic semiconductors will be shown in a live demo. Thus, their potential and application as OLEDs (organic light emitting diodes) in displays and...
Workshop: Genesis of Writing
Glottographic writing is known to have originated independently of any pre-existing writing four times in antiquity, in Mesopotamia, Egypt, China and Mesoamerica. For each of these areas scholars past and present, relying chiefly on archaeological finds, have explored the ‘origins’ of writing and have attempted to reconstruct the structure of early writing systems. Beyond this, considerable recent...
Code Week Hamburg: Your Song with AI
This event takes place in German.
Projektdiskussion: Winds of Change ─ Sailing across Drivers for Designing praxiSDG
Follow the drivers - this paradigm perfectly describes our design approach of how to set up, revisit and advance our learning assignment praxiSDG! praxiSDG is a service-learning format. IIt brings together SDG-related needs and experiences of civil-society organizations with students' expertises in interdisciplinary contexts. Students narrow complex project-partner-organizations' topics down to...
Meet4Insights - Case Study Workshop
This event takes place in German.
Workshop "Unconscious Bias in Science"
As part of the DFG Research Training Group "Managerial and economic dimensions of health care quality", the HCHE offers several equal opportunities measures. The workshop "Unconscious Bias in Science" is the kick-off for various courses on this topic. The workshop deals with the challenges of social perception, its unconscious bias and how this can be dealt with in academic careers.
Ästhetische Zugänge und Qualitäten von Infrastrukturlandschaften
This event takes place in German.
Archives and Archival Practices in Yemen
– in Arabic with interpretation into English
Mohammed Tawaf, History, École nationale des chartes, Paris, France
Ästhetische Zugänge und Qualitäten von Infrastrukturlandschaften
This event takes place in German.
Kompetenzanalyse – who fits best?
This event takes place in German.
Informal Talk: William G. Boltz
Why No Alphabet in East Asia?
William G. Boltz (University of Washington)
Based on the prima facie evidence of the modern literate world, the alphabet would seem to be both the simplest and most straightforward way to reduce speech to writing, and therefore the natural ‘default’ recourse in that regard. And yet, with the specific exception of Korean han’gul, this ‘natural’ glottographic...
Quantenbits in Aktion: Physik und Anwendungen des Quantenrechnens
This event takes place in German.
Buchpremiere: "Liebe, Sex und Erblichkeit" - das neue Buch von Jasmin Schreiber und Lorenz Adlung
This event takes place in German.
Online-Informationsveranstaltung zu „Gesundheitsmanagement MBA“
This event takes place in German.
Frühmittelalterliche Häfen als Zentren von Identität und Integration – Südskandinavien und Haithabu im 8.-10. Jh.
This event takes place in German.
Sprachsensibler Unterricht unter Bedingungen der Digitalität
This event takes place in German.
The current situation of migrant students in the Turkish Education System
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yahya Han Erbaş, Eğitim Bilimleri, Eğitim Fakültesi, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Überzeugend präsentieren – spannend darstellen, selbstsicher vermitteln
This event takes place in German.
Plasmonische Nanopartikel und Halbleiternanopartikel – Es kommt nur manchmal auf die Größe an!
This event takes place in German.
Emporia in 8th C. Southern Scandinavia – trade, currency and kingship
This event takes place in English.
#seeforfree in the plaster cast collection
The plaster cast collection opens its doors again on #seeforfree on Reformation Day (31.10.) and invites you to get to know this special place. The collection comprises around 180 casts of ancient sculptures from the Greek Archaic period to the Roman Empire. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., visitors can explore our holdings or take part in a short guided tour. Children can paint small plaster casts...
November 2024
Startup PreSchool @ Startup Port Hamburg
This 3-day crashcourse in entrepreneurship opens a door to the startup world, especially designed for students and researchers with an international background.
From Friday to Sunday you will learn about the methodical approach of founding your own company. In teams you will develop a product idea into a complete business model and bring it in a presentable “pitch deck” form.
The business part is...
Moderations 1x1 für selbstorganisierte Teams
Target Groupe: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Friederike Holm / Max. participants: 14
Constructive meetings require good moderation to ensure time management and goal-oriented discussions. In this workshop, you will learn the basics of moderation, questioning techniques to understand group processes, and reflect on the role of the...
"An effectiveness of state-dependent interest rate for savings and health prevention effort against longevity risk"
As part of the research seminar Prof. Yoichiro Fujii speaks about longevity risk is a rapidly increasing and globally imperative risk. This study examines the effect of state-dependent interest rates as a self-reliance. we show the conditions people may increase optimal savings and health prevention efforts simultaneously.
Fossile Energie und Transformation der Landschaft: Dichterische Wahrnehmung in Großbritannien um 1800
This event takes place in German.
Fossile Energie und Transformation der Landschaft: Dichterische Wahrnehmung in Großbritannien um 1800
This event takes place in German.
Reflexions- und Übungsrunde „Klarheit und Souveränität in beruflicher Kommunikation"
This event takes place in German.
Lesung: Das liebe Geld – „Was wollt ihr denn noch alles?!“ mit Alexandra Zykunov
This event takes place in German.
Gründungstoolbox: Prototyping & User Feedback
This event takes place in German.
Die Governance des deutschen Hochschulsystems
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: English / Trainer: Jan-Martin Wiarda / Max. Participants: 100
The event aims to provide an overview of the complex structure of the German academic landscape and enable participants to reflect on this. In this context, we will examine the requirements and tasks of university management, faculties and administration.
This workshop can be credited to...
Workshop "Unconcious Bias in Science"
As part of the DFG Research Training Group "Managerial and economic dimensions of health care quality", the HCHE offers several equal opportunities measures. The workshop "Unconscious Bias in Science" is the kick-off for various courses on this topic. The workshop deals with the challenges of social perception, its unconscious bias and how this can be dealt with in academic careers.
Decision-Making for Early Career Researchers
Positions, projects, opportunities, experiments, readings, collaborations ... so many choices! The path of any academic is full of decisions and they all seem crucial. Seemingly infinite possibilities and a hyper-competitive academic environment might leave us feeling overwhelmed and even paralyzed. However, it is equally true that many of the hurdles we face in our decision-making stem from the...
Nano-Zauber und Protein-Power: Eine Rezeptur für neue Materialien und Anwendungen
This event takes place in German.
Interreligiöser Semesterbeginn mit anschließendem Bowlingabend
This event takes place in German.
Academic Career Perspectives – From PhD to Postdoc
Many PhD researchers opt for further careers in higher education and research. So, they work as postdoc as the next step. But the application process can be mysterious, the transition phase from doctorate to postdoc may seem difficult, expectations and requirements remain uncertain. In this workshop, we will demystify the process from PhD to postdocs. We will describe the roles, rights and duties...
Workshop: Filling Space with(in) Script
In his ‘poesie der fläche’ (poetry of the space), Franz Mon describes how the arrangement of writing – for example the ‘expansion, nesting, sequencing, jamming, dropping and many other gestural movements’ – adds value to the written text. As he states, the ‘optical gesture naturally joins the phonetic and semantic – as a supplement, extension, tension, negation.’ [1] While Mon only refers to...
Jugendliche stärken – Kompetenz im Umgang mit Suchtmitteln im Familiensystem
This event takes place in German.
fUHHture career day
This event takes place in German.
Das Kompetenzprofil als Fundament erfolgreicher Bewerbungen
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
Der Denkanstoß zeigt auf, wie wichtig es für erfolgreiche (interne oder externe) Bewerbungen ist, die eigenen Kernkompetenzen und Interessen zu kennen und prägnant benennen zu können.
Dieser Kurs ist anrechenbar für „Learn to Lead – Führen mit Haltung“.
Maschinelles Lernen und große Sprachmodelle: Grundlage für die Analyse großer Datenmengen
This event takes place in German.
Internationale Perspektiven auf die Hochschuldidaktik
This event takes place in German.
Startup Port STEP S kompakt
This event takes place in German.
"Der böse Staat? Irans Rolle in der Region"
This event takes place in German.
Historische Kontexte der Sprache im Überfluss
This event takes place in German.
Eröffnung: Körper, Wissen und Embodiment
This event takes place in German.
Breslau / Wrocław 1933–1949
This event takes place in German.
Mitarbeitende diversitätsgerecht und gesund führen
Target Groupe: leaders / Language: German / Trainer: Stab G, BGZ und Franziska Nitsche / Max. participants: 16
The workshop is in German
Die Vielfalt der Mitarbeitenden an der UHH stellt Führungskräfte vor Herausforderungen. In diesem zweitägigen Modul lernen Sie chancengerechte Personalentscheidungen zu treffen und das Entwicklungspotenzial aller Mitarbeitenden zu unterstützen. Neben...
Workshop "Presence and Assertiveness Training"
As part of the DFG Research Training Group "Managerial and economic dimensions of health care quality", the HCHE offers several equal opportunities measures. The "Presence and Assertiveness Training" workshop is designed specifically for female doctoral students. The topics of presence, voice, conversation techniques/appearance and body language are taught in theory and practical exercises.
PLAY - Creative Gaming Festival
11. - 16. November 2024; Jupiter, Mönckebergstraße 2, Hamburg
The PLAY - CREATIVE GAMING FESTIVAL invites all enthusiasts for gameculture and interactive arts on November 11-16, 2024, to explore the creative potentials of games in a hybrid form online and on site at JUPITER Hamburg (Mönckebergstraße 2-4). Workshops, exhibitions, shows, the Creative Gaming Awards and playful community formats...
Open-door day in the Uni-Gym - Hochschulsport
This event takes place in German.
Thinking infrastructure landscapes through energy
This event takes place in German.
Key Features & Significance of the Manuscripts Panthal Collection: An Important Collection within the DiPiKA Project
M.V. Muralikrishnan, Vedic Studies, Vadakke Madham Brahmaswan, Thrissur, India
"Gesicht zeigen gegen Antisemitismus". Aufgaben und Herausforderungen für Religionslehrkräfte
This event takes place in German.
Thinking infrastructure landscapes through energy
This event takes place in German.
Digitales Termin- und Aufgabenmanagement mit Kufer
Target Groupe: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Matthias Otto/ Max. participants: 15
The workshop is in German.
Sometimes, it can be challenging to keep track of tasks, especially in complex workflows. In this workshop, you will learn about the Kanban method to organize both one-time and recurring processes flexibly and transparently...
"Wie finde ich heraus, was mich stört? - Selbstklärung in Konflikten"- 1. Teil
This event takes place in German.
Projektmanagement im Hochschulalltag – Führung und der „Faktor Mensch“
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Nils Reschke / Max. Participants: 14
Dieser Workshop stellt den „Faktor Mensch“ in der Projektarbeit in den Mittelpunkt. Denn Studien zufolge hängt der Erfolg von Hochschulprojekten nur zu einem Drittel von Techniken und Tools ab, zu zwei Dritteln hingegen vom Verhalten der Projektbeteiligten.
Dieser Kurs ist anrechenbar für „Learn...
"Wie finde ich heraus, was mich stört? - Selbstklärung in Konflikten"- 1. Teil
This event takes place in German.
Die Sprache der Wirtschaft - Wissenschaftskompetenzen in Bewerbungen darstellen
Target Group: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers / Language: German / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 14
In diesem Workshop lernen Sie, was das eigene Profil für Arbeitgebende außerhalb der Hochschule attraktiv macht und wie Fähigkeiten überzeugend dargestellt werden.
Dieser Kurs ist anrechenbar für „Learn to Lead – Führen mit Haltung“.
Effektives Zeitmanagement für Promovierende
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
Digitales Networking – Aufbau eines LinkedIn/Xing Profils und Optimierung der digitalen Sichtbarkeit
This event takes place in German.
Bewerbungsunterlagen-Check in der Kleingruppe
This event takes place in German.
Wintervortrag: Bionik - was wir von der Pflanzenwelt für die Technik lernen können
This event takes place in German.
Online-Informationsveranstaltung "Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement – Change Manager:in Nachhaltigkeits-Transformation"
This event takes place in German.
Online-Infoveranstaltung "Digitale Lehr- und Trainingsmethoden"
This event takes place in German.
Wie Higgs Dich schweben lässt – die Higgs-Anregung des Supraleiters
This event takes place in German.
Verwendungen und Anpassungen der frühmittelalterlichen Leges im Frankenreich
This event takes place in German.
DDLitLab im Dialog: Development of subject-related AI communities and implementation of a course on AI and ML
This event takes place in German.
Betreuung von Promovierenden. Session 2: Lead. Führungsaufgaben in der Betreuung wahrnehmen
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
Online-Informationsveranstaltung "Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement – Change Manager:in Nachhaltigkeits-Transformation"
This event takes place in German.
Leuchtende Nanokristalle für Fernseher und Krebsdiagnose
This event takes place in German.
The Uelzen area in the late 8th and 9th centuries from an archaeological-historical perspective
This event takes place in German.
Money Money Money... a conversation about the conditions of artistic work
This event takes place in German.
Defend With Confidence: Preparing for the Thesis Defense
The defense is an important milestone on the way to the doctoral degree. Presenting orally in the defense situation is a big challenge and often linked with insecurities and stage fright. The defense or disputation is of critical importance: first, the defense is an integral part of the examination of the doctoral degree and, second, it shows your ability to argue and present your achievements and...
Abschalten im Feierabend
Target Groupe: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Sybille Paas / Max. participants: 14
The workshop is in German.
After a day of work, it can be challenging to let go of it and relax, especially due to flexible work arrangements and their daily challenges. In this workshop, techniques and tools will be discussed to help unwind during...
Auswirkungen der Teillegalisierung von Cannabis auf das Arbeitsleben – ein Online Vortrag für Führungskräfte
This event takes place in German.
Vortrag zu Geldanlage und Altersvorsorge (Verbraucherzentrale Hamburg e.V.)
This event takes place in German.
Aktive Jobsuche: recherchieren - vernetzen - sichtbar werden
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
Die Veranstaltung zeigt, wie Sie das enorme Potential des versteckten Stellenmarktes mit mutigem Netzwerken und erhöhter Sichtbarkeit anzapfen können. Sie erhalten Anregungen und Tipps!
Annotationen: Linguistische Grundlagen
This event takes place in German.
"Nuclear Arms Race Revisited" – Die Renaissance der Nuklearwaffen?
This event takes place in German.
Flut der Worte (oder: Zwischen Wortschwall und Klarheit) – Effizienz in Dialogsystemen
This event takes place in German.
MINGZ Welcome Night 2024
The MIN Graduate Center (MINGZ) is excited to invite the new (and not-so-new) doctoral researchers to a Welcome Night. You will be able to get to know the MINGZ, meet your fellow doctoral candidates, and grab a beer. We will provide information on:
- How to get started at Universität Hamburg;
- How to optimize the journey towards your doctoral degree;
- How to cope with stress, planning your...
Online-Infoveranstaltung "Diversity Management"
This event takes place in German.
Online-Infoveranstaltung "Praxismanagement"
This event takes place in German.
Gender und generative KI
This event takes place in German.
Mehr Souveränität und Sicherheit in schwierigen Gesprächen
This event takes place in German.
Startup Port AI-Kickstart
This event takes place in German.
Sunday guided tour: Gods and myths
This event takes place in German.
In the winter semester 2024/2025, the plaster cast collection will once again offer a varied guided tour program. From depictions of myths and experimental approaches to polychromy in ancient sculptures to ancient gender-specific body images, students will provide insights into the collection holdings and current issues. The guided tours are free of charge and...
DeepTech Connect – Careers, Capital & Cocktails
What about your career and capital? The event is addressing all who are already part of the DeepTech startup scene in Hamburg, or who would like to become a part – whether they are young scientists, interested in career options, knowledge transfer and/ or founding, as well as founders, experts and investors.
Opening as a framing part are two workshops which run paralell from 2 to 4 p.m. PIER and...
"Antibiotic resistance, drug prices and entry"
As part of the research seminar Prof. Albert Ma speeks about antibiotic drug resistance is modeled by an increase in future drug cost due to current consumption.Competition in the medicine market leads to maximum consumption, and results in inefficiency.
Drug plans with centralized rationing can alleviate resistance.
A monopoly internalizes cost increase, but high prices may adversely affect...
Boden, Erde, Grund. Formative Kräfte des Stofflichen
This event takes place in German.
Pictographic Manuscripts from New Spain: The Heritage Science Approach
Nathael Cano, Heritage Conservation, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico
Boden, Erde, Grund. Formative Kräfte des Stofflichen
This event takes place in German.
The team of Startup Port invites you to a breakfast with female founders. Are you interested in founding a company? Are you about to start a business or have you already founded one? Then come by to exchange ideas with other women about the topic of "founding" and to support each other. What awaits you? Depending on your wishes, there will be a keynote speech or you, as an expert, can exchange...
Vorstellungsgespräche – wie kann ich überzeugen?
This event takes place in German.
HRA Spotlight – EU Funding Opportunities for Postdocs
Which EU funding is interesting for early career researchers after their doctorate?
The information event will give an overview of the funding formats "Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellowships" and "ERC Grants" as well as an insight into the specifics of EU applications. After the presentation, you will have time for your individual questions.
HRA Spotlight: The Hamburg Research Academy offers regular...
Gründungstoolbox: Ideation
This event takes place in German.
Online-Informationsveranstaltung "Führung. Strategie, Mitarbeiterführung, Teamentwicklung"
This event takes place in German.
100 Jahre Ising-Modell: Vom Magnetismus zum Markt
This event takes place in German.
Online-Infoveranstaltung "Konfliktberatung und Mediation"
This event takes place in German.
Lesung und Gespräch mit Dagmar Herzog: Eugenische Phantasmen. Eine deutsche Geschichte
This event takes place in German.
Krieg, Flucht, Vertreibung – Vergessen wir die eigene Erfahrung?
This event takes place in German.
HRA Spotlight – National Funding Opportunities for Postdocs
What funding is available for postdocs and what should you consider when submitting an application?
This HRA Spotlight will provide a comprehensive overview of national funding formats with a focus on the German Research Foundation (DFG) and supplementary information on federal funding and foundations. Special focus will be on funding formats for postdocs, both in the early as well as in the more...
Gefahren aus dem Weltall
This event takes place in German.
Career Orientation: Group Counseling for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers
Academic Career: yes or no? And what comes next?
This one-hour event supports you in clarifying individual career questions in a small group (max. 4 doctoral candidates and/or postdocs). Particularly those of you who are "not yet decided" will receive suggestions for confident and timely decision-making.
Systemic questions and resource-oriented coaching methods enable you to change your...
Pop und Kulturindustrie. Einführende Überlegungen zur Orientierung
This event takes place in German.
Nano-, mikro- und makrostrukturierte Materialien aus Nanoteilchenbausteinen
This event takes place in German.
'Beyond the Pillars of Hercules': an overview about Greek Vases in Portugal
This event takes place in English.
Interview-Training für Podcast und Co.
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
Arbeitszeugnisse – wo liegen die Stolperfallen?
This event takes place in German.
Wie schreibe ich eine gelungene Bewerbung?
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
Von A wie Anschreiben bis Z wie Zielgehalt – die schriftliche Bewerbung. Wie kuratieren Sie Ihren Lebenslauf und wie knüpfen Sie mit Ihren Kompetenzen an der Stellenausschreibung an?
Ethische Fragen bei automatischen Sprachverarbeitung und generativer KI
This event takes place in German.
Meet & Match – Co-Founder Matching (Female Entrepreneurship Edition)
This event takes place in German.
fUHHture Impulse: Wege in die Musikbranche (online)
This event takes place in German.
Klima und Konflikt
This event takes place in German.
Verbale Flatulenzen: Bramarbasieren, prahlen und aufschneiden als Muster der Verbosität?
This event takes place in German.
Im Gespräch über das Verhältnis zwischen Trans, Sexualwissenschaft und Medizin
This event takes place in German.
Publishing Journal Articles: Strategies for Success
Journal articles should be published to influence the field – not simply to increase the list of publications. This advanced workshop is designed for researchers who have already begun their publishing journey and are seeking to refine their strategies. We will navigate the publishing and peer review process, with the aim of enhancing acceptance rates.
- The current publishing landscape
Career Field: Science Management
Target Group: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers / Language: German / Trainer: Oliver Grewe / Max. Participants: 100
The Food for Thought offers a brief introduction to science management and addresses the questions of what skills are expected and what potential the professional field offers.
This course can be credited for the certificate "Research Management: Developing Potential, Shaping...
‘Racism in the world of work’ symposium
This event takes place in German.
Workshop "Presence and Assertiveness Training"
As part of the DFG Research Training Group "Managerial and economic dimensions of health care quality", the HCHE offers several equal opportunities measures. The "Presence and Assertiveness Training" workshop is designed specifically for female doctoral students. The topics of presence, voice, conversation techniques/appearance and body language are taught in theory and practical exercises.
Konstruktive Zusammenarbeit in vielfältigen Teams - ein Anti-Bias-Workshop
Target Groupe: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Samya Korff / Max. participants: 15
To work effectively in diverse teams and with different target groups, it's worthwhile to recognize your own biases and patterns in relation to others. Through anti-bias exercises and psychological insights, you will develop a constructive approach to...
Me and My Supervisor
In this workshop, doctoral researchers will focus on the importance and the complexity of the doctoral supervisory relationship. The workshops will cover three main aspects:
- active design of the supervisory relationship
- navigating hierarchies
- effective communication
Participants in the workshop will be introduced to strategies for establishing and maintaining a productive relationship with...
HRA City Walk – Hamburg City Hall and Christmas market
Once a month, the HRA provides an opportunity to see Hamburg from a different perspective and to exchange and network with Hamburg researchers. We explore the locations and sights near our member universities with a professional guide. There will be the opportunity to continue chatting and networking with fellow researchers over a drink after the tour. We look forward to meeting you!
Entspannt in die Advents- und Weihnachtszeit
This event takes place in German.
Energiewende und Landschaft als öffentlicher Entwurf
This event takes place in German.
Malian Manuscripts through the Lens of Jenne: Socio-Linguistic Diversity in Digitised Collections
Djibril Dramé, African Studies, The British Library, London, United Kingdom
Energiewende und Landschaft als öffentlicher Entwurf
This event takes place in German.
“Molecular Photoswitches to Illuminate Materials, Devices, and Manufacturing”
This event takes place in German.
Online-Informationsveranstaltung "Datenschutzmanagement"
This event takes place in German.
Zwischen Konformitätszwang und hierarchisierter Autonomie. Sprachl., rechtl. und relig. Diversitätsmanagement...
This event takes place in German.
Internationale Vorbereitungsklassen in Hamburg – Geschichte, Konzepte und Perspektiven
This event takes place in German.
Partizipativ Führen. Die Führungskraft als Facilitator:in
Target Group: All leaders at UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Jutta Weimar / Max. Participants: 15
In komplexen Umfeldern wie der Universität stoßen klassische Führungsansätze schnell an Grenzen. Auf der einen Seite entstehen neue Freiheitsgrade, auf der anderen Seite gilt es weiterhin, formale Rahmenbedingungen zu befolgen. Führungskräfte sind stärker...
From Underground to Mainstream: Grass Roots Activism, DYI and Environmentalism in Estonia
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Aimar Ventsel, Institute of Cultural Research, University of Tartu
Moleküle als Bausteine für Materialien: Was können wir von einzelnen Molekülen über Materialien lernen?
This event takes place in German.
Online-Informationsveranstaltung zu "Personalpsychologie"
This event takes place in German.
Who cares? Care work in capitalism
This event takes place in German.
Stimm- und Sprechtraining für Frauen
This event takes place in German.
Whether in research, on the master's thesis or by chance on a bike - a variety of ideas arise in different places. Founding a company can be a possible way to ensure that great ideas don’t just sink into the drawer but are brought to life. Startup2Go is about exchanging ideas about starting a business, getting inspiration and feedback, finding out more about support options from Startup Port/the...
Typische Fragen im Job-Interview (außerhalb der Wissenschaft)
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: German / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
In dieser Veranstaltung dreht sich alles um das Job-Interview. Von Fragetechniken über die Vorbereitung bis hin zur inneren Haltung. Nach dem Input bleibt auch noch Zeit für Ihre Fragen.
Annotationen: Die literaturwissenschaftliche Perspektive
This event takes place in German.
Film: Chronicle of a Disappearance (1996) von Elia Suleiman
This event takes place in German.
Variation und Verbosität
This event takes place in German.
Stadtgeschichte als Geschichte des Vergnügens. Eine Neukartierung Hamburgs im 20. Jahrhundert
This event takes place in German.
Taube Person: "MEIN SCH" – Dolmetschende Person: "???". Gender und Dolmetschen in Deutscher Gebärdensprache
This event takes place in German.
FDM-Workshop für EW-Forschungswerkstatt
This event takes place in German.
December 2024
"The comparative effectiveness of cancer treatments - an RD approach"
As part of the research seminar, Prof. Lorens A. Helmchen speeks about treatment of localized prostate cancer which is well established and consists primarily of expectant management (active surveillance) and definitive treatment (radical prostatectomy or radiation). Yet, the evidence to date of their comparative effectiveness relies primarily on randomized controlled trials, which suffer from...
Frontier AI Regulation: from Trustworthiness to Sustainability
Prof. Dr. Philipp Hacker, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), DE
Tanz der Turbinen: Beobachtung von Windturbinen und Gestaltung von Windparkanlagen
This event takes place in German.
Investigating Thai Court Dance-Drama Manuscripts: Texts, Paratexts, and Text-Performance Relations
Thaneerat Jatuthasri, Thai Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Tanz der Turbinen: Beobachtung von Windturbinen und Gestaltung von Windparkanlagen
This event takes place in German.
Online-Informationsveranstaltung „General Management MBA“
This event takes place in German.
Quantenspuk am LHC
This event takes place in German.
Online-Informationsveranstaltung zu „Gesundheitsmanagement MBA“
This event takes place in German.
Online-Infoveranstaltung "Mediation in Gruppen und Teams"
This event takes place in German.
Online-Infoveranstaltung „Mediation in Gruppen und Teams“
This event takes place in German.
Ziele erreichen: den inneren Kritiker zur Mentorin machen
Target Groupe: All employees of UHH, including doctoral candidates and postdocs / Language: German / Trainer: Friederike Holm/ Max. participants: 14
The workshop is in German.
Personal growth requires an understanding of our own goals, values, and strengths. It also involves dealing with inner barriers and uncertainties to create clarity and shape our own objectives.
The workshop counts as...
Ambivalent Feminisms Go Pop: Ukrainian Songs at Eurovision since 2022
Ass.-Prof. Maria Sonevytsky, Anthropology Faculty, Bard College, New York
Die faszinierende Welt winziger Kristalle und ihre Anwendungen in der Elektronik
This event takes place in German.
Of peripheral zones and intermediate worlds - investigations into Late Bronze Age settlement patterns on the Barnim
This event takes place in German.
DisKo: Ein Diversitäts-Korpus für die algorithmische Textanalyse
This event takes place in German.
"Die Wissmänner sind noch immer unter uns." Koloniale Kontinuitäten und postkoloniale Stadtgeschichte in Hamburg...
This event takes place in German.
Konfliktsensitiver Journalismus. Entwürfe für eine gute Berichterstattung über Debatten, Konflikte und Kriege
This event takes place in German.
Verbosität im öffentlichen Raum
This event takes place in German.
"Bach was a mother" – Pauline Oliveros‘ Feminist Sonic Care
This event takes place in German.
Postdoc Talks – Introduction to the German Academic System
The German academic system, with its diverse career paths and unique structures, often bewilders newcomers and international researchers alike. This talk demystifies this complex landscape, exploring traditional career routes like Habilitation alongside newer options such as junior professorships and research group leadership. From the centuries-old university traditions to the modern reforms of...
Erfolgreiches Projektmanagement für Promovierende
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
Elementarkräfte, Körper und Kosmologien: Energielandschaften des Bergbaus in der Frühen Neuzeit
This event takes place in German.
The Codicological Study of the (Arabic and Berber) Manuscript Collection of Lmuhub Ulahbib in Kabylia, Algeria
– in French with interpretation into English
Djamel-Eddine Mechehed, Archival Studies / Codicology Lmuhub Ulahbib Manuscript Library, Béjaïa, Algeria
The Impact of the Idea of "the Masculinity of the Qur’ān" on Ten Qur’ānic Readings, with Case Studies from ...
Elaheh Shahpasand, Qur’ānic Studies, University of Qur’ānic Sciences at Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
"Andere Religionen" in den Curricula der (islamischen) Religionslehrer:innenausbildung
This event takes place in German.
Elementarkräfte, Körper und Kosmologien: Energielandschaften des Bergbaus in der Frühen Neuzeit
This event takes place in German.
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
Selbstpräsentation im Bewerbungsgespräch
This event takes place in German.
Wintervortrag: Appalachen - ein Reisebericht durch den Osten der USA
This event takes place in German.
Wellenreiten zu neuer Physik:Mit modernsten Technologien die Struktur des Nichts ergründen
This event takes place in German.
Schoolscapes – Linguistic Landscape Forschung in Schulen
This event takes place in German.
Einsamkeit – Volkskrankheit oder politische Herausforderung?
This event takes place in German.
Kolonialität und Erinnerung: Die Kontroverse um die russische Fernsehserie "Suleikha öffnet die Augen"
This event takes place in German.
Betreuung von Promovierenden. Session 3: Train. Wissenschaftliche Entwicklung gestalten
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
In the hinterland: New research on Imperial Age urbanisation in Arcadian Thelpousa
This event takes place in German.
Informal Talk: Avni Chag
From Parchment to Pedestal: Venerating an Indic Manuscript in the Secular Space
Avni Chag (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
In 2014 when the Weston Library re-opened its doors after a major state-of-the-art refurbishment, little did library staff know that the new dedicated gallery space for the library’s most treasured artefacts would be swarmed with visitors to view a small manuscript booklet of...
Digitale Edition
This event takes place in German.
Co-Founders connect!
Are you looking for a co-founder? Then you should definitely stop by our “Co-Founders connect!” event on 12.12.2024 from 4-7 pm! Finding a suitable co-founder is crucial for the success of your start-up, because together you can combine your strengths to realize your vision.
As a founder, you have the opportunity to present your idea and yourself with a poster at our event. Show the visitors:
Fake News
This event takes place in German.
Verbosität als Herausforderung für am Common Ground-Modell orientierte pragmatische Theorien
This event takes place in German.
Developing a Language to Talk About AI: AI Philosophy
Prof. Dr. Vincent Cornelius Müller, Lehrstuhl für Theory and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, D
Virgin Sacrifice – Anthropology, Modernity, and Dance
This event takes place in German.
Sunday guided tour: Polychromy in antiquity (theory and practice)
This event takes place in German.
In the winter semester 2024/2025, the plaster cast collection will once again offer a varied guided tour program. From depictions of myths and experimental approaches to polychromy in ancient sculptures to ancient gender-specific body images, students will provide insights into the collection holdings and current issues. The guided tours are free of charge and...
"Physician motivation and provision of care"
Line Bjørnskov Pedersen presents ongoing work exploring the intertemporal stability of physician motivation, the influence of extrinsic motivation on physicians’ service provision patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the role of altruistic motivations in opioid prescribing, in relation to the introduction of a new national clinical guideline.
Energetische Abhängigkeit und kulturelle Vormacht. Zur neueren Stadt- und Landliteratur
This event takes place in German.
Das Zertifikat Antisemitismuskritische Bildung für Unterricht und Schule (ZABUS). Grundlagen, Einblicke...
This event takes place in German.
“One-pot Multicomponent Syntheses of Functional Chromophores – Synthetic Efficiency Meets Functionality Design”
This event takes place in German.
Die Integration der Normannen in die Frankrenreiche vom 9. bis zum Beginn des 11. Jahrhunderts
This event takes place in German.
This event takes place in German.
Selenskyj u. die Serie "Diener des Volkes": Zum Verhältnis v. Unterhaltung, Populismus u. Politik in ... Populärkulturen
This event takes place in German.
Nanostrukturierte Blockcopolymere als Booster für Katalyse und Adsorption
This event takes place in German.
Codiertes Wissen: Linked Open Data und andere Datenressourcen
This event takes place in German.
Algerische Frauen im antikolonialen Kampf, 1954-1962: Gewalt, Körper, Raum
This event takes place in German.
Verbosität literarisch. Beispiele und ihre Systematisierung
This event takes place in German.
Pecore nere ("Schwarze Schafe"): Verhandlungen kultureller Identität in der italienischen Gegenwartsliteratur
This event takes place in German.
January 2025
Wie stören Meereswellen, Autos und Menschen Gravitationswellendetektoren und was können wir dagegen tun?
This event takes place in German.
Einbezug von Mehrsprachigkeit und Translanguaging in Kita und Schule – Ergebnisse eines Systematic Reviews
This event takes place in German.
Verschiebung der Adressatengrenzen. Crosswriting und kulturelles Selbstverständnis in der polnischen Literatur nach 1989
This event takes place in German.
Ligures Baebiani. An archaeological perspective on the forced resettlement of Ligurians to Samnium 180 BCE
This event takes place in German.
Gegen große Erzählungen: Theoriediskurse in den Digital Humanities
This event takes place in German.
Metropolitane Jahreszeiten: Eine Kultur- und Umweltgeschichte um 1900 und 2000
This event takes place in German.
Anarchismus und Frieden
This event takes place in German.
Verbosität (oder viel reden) im Schulunterricht: Schülerseitige Widerstandmanifestationen in Gruppenarbeiten
This event takes place in German.
Wenn die Maske zur Wahrheit wird: Verkörperungen des Anderen im japanischen Nō-Theater
This event takes place in German.
Sunday guided tour: Gender-related nudity in comparison
This event takes place in German.
In the winter semester 2024/2025, the plaster cast collection will once again offer a varied guided tour program. From depictions of myths and experimental approaches to polychromy in ancient sculptures to ancient gender-specific body images, students will provide insights into the collection holdings and current issues. The guided tours are free of charge and...
Von Äxten, Sägen und Öfen: Energielandschaft im Holzzeitalter
This event takes place in German.
HRA City Walk – International Maritime Museum Hamburg
Once a month, the HRA provides an opportunity to see Hamburg from a different perspective and to exchange and network with Hamburg researchers. We explore the locations and sights near our member universities with a professional guide. There will be the opportunity to continue chatting and networking with fellow researchers over a drink after the tour. We look forward to meeting you!
“Novel Avenues in Target-Based Anti-Infective Drug Discovery”
This event takes place in German.
Franken – Franzosen – Deutsche? Identitäten in postkarolingischer Zeit
This event takes place in German.
Verrohung und Verachtung - Macht Hass krank?
This event takes place in German.
Johann Georg Repsold (1770-1830) und die Hamburger Sternwarte am Millerntor (*1825)
This event takes place in German.
Protestrap als politischer Gratmesser? Drei ‚Revolutionshymnen‘ aus Kirgistan
This event takes place in German.
Hochempfindliche Sensoren aus Nanopartikeln - auf die Lücke kommt es an!
This event takes place in German.
Current research on the archaeology of the Xiongnu
This event takes place in German.
Workshop zur Kirchenmusik der besonderen Art - zu Gast bei uns: MoveDove mit Luis Weiß und Andreas Theobald
This event takes place in German.
Spannung und Cliffhanger in Erzählliteratur des 19. Jahrhunderts: Modellierung und quantitative Analysen
This event takes place in German.
Wolfsburg. Stadtgeschichte schreiben in der "Stadt ohne Geschichte"
This event takes place in German.
Die Rolle Afrikas in der deutschen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik: eine Leerstelle?
This event takes place in German.
Enough is enough! Wenn es Zuhörer:innen zuviel wird - und wann und wie sie das zeigen
This event takes place in German.
Einschreibung u. Verschriftlichung weibl. Körper(welten) in digitalen Medien: Instabods, Femtech...
This event takes place in German.
Sunday guided tour: Hybrid creatures, monsters and their myths
This event takes place in German.
In the winter semester 2024/2025, the plaster cast collection will once again offer a varied guided tour program. From depictions of myths and experimental approaches to polychromy in ancient sculptures to ancient gender-specific body images, students will provide insights into the collection holdings and current issues. The guided tours are free of charge and...
The Future of Prediction. Algorithmic Forecast in Science and Society
Prof. Dr. Elena Esposito, Universität Bielefeld, DE
Palimpsestic Traces: Landscape, Culture, and Energy in Scotland
This event takes place in German.
Das Bernoulli-Prinzip: Was hat der Duschvorhang mit der Bananenflanke zu tun?
This event takes place in German.
Ethnizität und Recht im Frühmittelalter
This event takes place in German.
Mehrsprachigkeit im Fachunterricht – Ergebnisse einer Wirksamkeitsstudie
This event takes place in German.
"... es war nicht frei, aber reiner": Vom sowjetischen zum post-sowjetischen Fernsehen
This event takes place in German.
Elektrokatalyse und der Weg zum grünen Wasserstoff
This event takes place in German.
Online-Infoveranstaltung "Yogastudien"
This event takes place in German.
Between Kition, Idalion and Tamassos: Settlement patterns of three Iron Age kingdoms of Cyprus
This event takes place in German.
This event takes place in German.
The team of Startup Port invites you to a breakfast with female founders. Are you interested in founding a company? Are you about to start a business or have you already founded one? Then come by to exchange ideas with other women about the topic of "founding" and to support each other. What awaits you? Depending on your wishes, there will be a keynote speech or you, as an expert, can exchange...
forTEXT – Literatur digital erforschen
This event takes place in German.
Internationale Perspektiven auf die Hochschuldidaktik
This event takes place in German.
"Bitte eine schöne Geschichte schreiben". Perspektiven einer Gütersloher Stadtgeschichte der Gegenwart
This event takes place in German.
US-amerikanische Aufstandsbekämpfung: Legitimes Regieren und/oder imperialer Krieg?
This event takes place in German.
"Ich habe gerade gestern son Erlebnis gehabt" - Weitschweifiges Erzählen in biographischen Interviews
This event takes place in German.
Cripping the City – Zugänge, Ressourcen, Zeitlichkeiten
This event takes place in German.
A Fallibilist Approach to AI Value Alignment
Prof. Dr. Ibo van de Poel, Delft University of Technology, NL
Bilderbuch-, Alltags-, Technolandschaften. Warum Landschaften politisch sind, am Beispiel von Windkraft
This event takes place in German.
Karl der Große als Integrationsfigur
This event takes place in German.
Searching and finding the Palaeolithic on the Jutland Peninsula
This event takes place in German.
Whether in research, on the master's thesis or by chance on a bike - a variety of ideas arise in different places. Founding a company can be a possible way to ensure that great ideas don’t just sink into the drawer but are brought to life. Startup2Go is about exchanging ideas about starting a business, getting inspiration and feedback, finding out more about support options from Startup Port/the...
Literatur im Netz und digitale Wissenschaftskultur // Resümee und Ausblick
This event takes place in German.
Restorative Justice – Potentiale einer kommunikativen Aufarbeitung von Konflikten
This event takes place in German.
Sprachlicher Überfluss in Liebesbriefen
This event takes place in German.
"Das höchste Ideal von einem Kernmann". Der Torso Belvedere und die Männerbilder der Kunst(-geschichte)
This event takes place in German.
February 2025
Mental Clarity & Decision Making
Target Group: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers / Language: English / Trainer: Vicent Botella-Soler / Max. Participants: 20
In this workshop, we look into the factors that impact on how we think and make decisions. Learn to question how your mindset can help or hinder your day-to-day life and your future career prospects.
This course can be credited to "Learn to Lead - Mindset Leadership" as...
Über die Brüchigkeit und Stärke des Menschen – "Schachnovelle" von Stefan Zweig
This event takes place in German.
The Competency Profile as the Basis for Successful Applications
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: English / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
The talk shows how important it is for successful (internal or external) applications to know your own core competencies and interests and to be able to specify them precisely.
This course can be credited to "Learn to Lead - Mindset Leadership".
Workshop: Mathematical Notes: Materiality and Epistemology
The study of notes written in mathematical language has long been an indispensable ingredient of a wider history of the mathematical sciences. Thus, the analysis and interpretation of the notes of prominent figures such as Galileo, Newton, Hilbert and Einstein have provided us with important insights into research processes and scientific thinking. At the same time, mathematical notes and...
CEN Graduation Ceremony & Wladimir Köppen Award
Our next CEN Graduation Ceremony will take place on Friday, February 7, 2025. There we would like to honour all 2024 graduates (from February 2024) and until January 2025 in a festive ceremony followed by a reception. Another highlight is the awarding of the Wladimir Köppen Prize for outstanding dissertations.
All graduates of the Master programs Meteorology, Geophysics...
HRA City Walk – Interactive In Germany's largest police museum
Once a month, the HRA provides an opportunity to see Hamburg from a different perspective and to exchange and network with Hamburg researchers. We explore the locations and sights near our member universities with a professional guide. There will be the opportunity to continue chatting and networking with fellow researchers over a drink after the tour. We look forward to meeting you!
Active Job Search: Researching – Networking – Visibility
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: English / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
This talk shows how bold networking and increasing your visibility can help you tap into the enormous potential of the so-called hidden job market.
Bin ich auf dem richtigen Weg? - Individuelle Karriereplanung
Target Group: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers / Language: German / Trainer: Joanna Bouchi-Häfner / Max. Participants: 8
In diesem Workshop erarbeiten Sie Ihre persönlichen Stärken und die damit einhergehenden beruflichen Perspektiven. Allein und in Kleingruppen erarbeiten Sie sich Ihre Karriereplanung.
Dieser Kurs ist anrechenbar für „Learn to Lead – Führen mit Haltung“.
Navigating Uncertainty
Target Group: Doctoral researchers, Postdocs, Junior Professors and Leaders of Junior Research Groups / Language: English / Trainer: Dr. Desiree Dickerson / Max. Participants: 100
In this talk, you will explore: Give yourself permission to feel uncertain; navigate uncertainty and worry; make micro-changes to maintain a solid emotional and mental foundation; and more!
This course can be credited...
Die größten Teilchenbeschleuniger im Universum
This event takes place in German.
How to write Successful Applications
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: English / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
How can you communicate your skills, qualifications and professional experience in your application documents in such a way that the recipients find your profile convincing? This introductory talk introduces different aspects of successful applications such as thorough preparation, becoming the...
Common Job Interview Questions Outside Academia
Target Group: All employees at UHH / Language: English / Trainer: Meike Schoon / Max. Participants: 100
This talk is all about typical job interview questions (and possible answers). From interviewing techniques to preparation and your personal mindset.
March 2025
Taming the Inner Critic
Target Group: Doctoral researchers, Postdocs, Junior Professors and Leaders of Junior Research Groups / Language: English / Trainer: Dr. Desiree Dickerson / Max. Participants: 100
In this talk, you will explore: Give yourself permission to feel uncertain; navigate uncertainty and worry; make micro-changes to maintain a solid emotional and mental foundation; and more!
This course can be credited...
Co-Founders connect!
Are you looking for a co-founder? Then you should definitely stop by our “Co-Founders connect!” event on 06.03.2025 from 4-7 pm! Finding a suitable co-founder is crucial for the success of your start-up, because together you can combine your strengths to realize your vision.
As a founder, you have the opportunity to present your idea and yourself with a poster at our event. Show the visitors:
HRA City Walk – Museum of Nature Hamburg – In front of and behind the scenes
Once a month, the HRA provides an opportunity to see Hamburg from a different perspective and to exchange and network with Hamburg researchers. We explore the locations and sights near our member universities with a professional guide. There will be the opportunity to continue chatting and networking with fellow researchers over a drink after the tour. We look forward to meeting you!
The team of Startup Port invites you to a breakfast with female founders. Are you interested in founding a company? Are you about to start a business or have you already founded one? Then come by to exchange ideas with other women about the topic of "founding" and to support each other. What awaits you? Depending on your wishes, there will be a keynote speech or you, as an expert, can exchange...
April 2025
Gesund bleiben durch Augentraining
This event takes place in German.
May 2025
Internationale Perspektiven auf die Hochschuldidaktik
This event takes place in German.
November 2025
Internationale Perspektiven auf die Hochschuldidaktik
This event takes place in German.
January 2026
Reform und Professionalisierung der Weiblichen Kriminalpolizei von Weimar bis zum NS
This event takes place in German.